Total impact factor: 6.524

Number of publications: 2

1. Wydra Karol, Kinzhybalo Vasyl, Lisowski Jerzy
Solid state structures and solution behaviour of tetranuclear lanthanide(III) carbonate-bridged coordination compounds of chiral 3 + 3 amine macrocycle
Dalton Transactions, 2023, 52, 11992-12001
IF: 4

2. Wydra Karol, Kobyłka Michał J., Lis Tadeusz, Ślepokura Katarzyna, Lisowski Jerzy
Versatile binding modes of chiral macrocyclic amine towards rare earth ions.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 21, 2096-2104
IF: 2.524